Prayer of the Kolping Society

Gracious God!

All life comes from You, and in You lies the origin and the
destination of us all. Your desire is that all peoples live together in freedom
and peace. And everyone, without bias, should have an equal opportunity to
share in the goods of this earth. We thank You for being able to experience
Your presence and closeness in the community of the Church and the
Kolping Society.

We pray that you will

Help all of us who believe in You to acknowledge You as the Father of us all.
Let us stand up vigorously for the conservation of creation and the protection
of life.

Help all of us who belong to Your Son to give witness to Your liberating love
in word and deed.Let us contribute effectively to overcoming poverty and
hardship, ignorance and injustice.

Help all of us who follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make all people
aware of Your graciousness toward the human race. Let us participate
valiantly in the development of our Kolping Society, in establishing a family-
like Church, and in building a good future for all people.

To You, O God, we give thanks in communion with Your servant Adolph
Kolping in the name of Your Son, who lives with You and with us, now and


You can download this text as PDF file.Pri--re-de-la-societe-Kolping.pdf

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